Sunday, November 11, 2012

Top Marketplace to Sell your iPhones and Gadgets

Top electronics and gadget makers came up with a new model or a newer updated version every year or so. This makes the two-year cellular contract too long but then having to upgrade every two or three is expensive, this makes the six-month contract the most appropriate one among the choices.  This is particularly fitting in iPhone release cycles as owing one will force you to check out Apple’s nine months or yearly product launches. Being updated with these kinds of announcements will give iPhone owners an idea when to sell their phones fast.  These are the recommended marketplaces to sell your pre-love gadgets, so ready those iPhoneboxes and check these out: 

I agree that Gazelle might not the place where you can get most value for your gadget but the best thing about Gazelle is that they do much the work for you, making selling easy as a breeze. The site will negotiate with a buyer and tells you how much you can get from your gadget. In fact Gazelle will send you a box for you to pack and send your gadget right away. If you want to trade in for a new device, you can lock in the price and send your old gadget the moment you receive the new one. As for selling, you have to wait until the buyer get the item and confirm its condition, after that then you can have your money. 

Unlike Gazelle, Glyde does not buy gadget directly, instead they will look up for a buyer for you. Based with numerous reviews online, Glyde offers a higher price than any gadget buyers available. The process starts with an item assessment to gauge its market value and how much money you can have out of it.  Just in case that you think that their price is quite high then you can change it. Lower price would attract more potential buyers. 

Unlike the first two, Amazon will not negotiate or sent you boxes to send in your item. Amazon is a huge marketplace, you have to compete with other sellers but the fact that Amazon is huge makes the place an attractive place for both sellers and buyers. Aside from the large audience coverage, listing in item in Amazon is fast and easy. Selling iPhones with competitive price will be definitely a breeze more so if it comes with iPhone boxes too!

Marketplace list will not be complete without these two. Craigslist and eBay allows you to set your own price making selling more flexible. In fact eBay Instant Sale can buy your used device outright.  To make your iPhone more sellable make sure to post an ad with good honest description, great pictures showing with intact accessories and clean neat iPhone box.